harbor technology
/green technology

- Mud pressurization (DK) shield method
- Double-O-Tube (DOT) shield method
- Developing Parallel Link Excavation (DPLEX) shield method
- Jack-driven Developing Parallel Link Excavation (J-DPLEX) shield method
- Detaching And Proceeding to dig Piping (DAPPI) construction method
- Mud pressurizing propulsion method

Civil Engineering Business: Rainwater storage facility
The need for rainwater storage facilities is increasing to prevent flood damage due to increases in concentrated downpours and advancement of urbanization.

What is a rainwater storage
In recent years, “flood damage in urban environment” has been frequently occurring nationwide due to a reduction in the infiltrated amount of rainwater caused by local concentrated downpours and advancement of urbanization. As countermeasures against flood damage, the rainwater storage facility, which temporarily stores rainwater, has been drawing more attention than ever. The rainwater facility of Daiho Corporation enables construction at high depth exceeding X m water depth thanks to the pneumatic caisson method and shield method. Therefore, it can be constructed even in city centers where underground development is evolving, as well as urban districts with many structures. Moreover, since the pneumatic caisson method is a construction method that can build high-quality underground structures safely and securely, it has less vibration/noise and impacts on the peripheral grounds. Also, it is superior in terms of the process and costs compared to other construction methods.

Types of rainwater storage facility
There are several types of rainwater storage facility. For storage in underground space, caisson construction method and shield construction method can be applied.

Increase of concentrated
downpour caused by climate
In recent years, water disasters have been frequently occurring nationwide due to reduction of infiltrated amount of rainwater caused by local concentrated downpour and advancement of urbanization, and it is being recognized as “flood damage in urban environment”. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, by enacting the Act on Countermeasures against Flood Damage of Specified Rivers Running Across Cities (enforced in May 2004), specifies rivers where it is difficult to prevent flood damage by maintenance of river channels because there is a risk of flood damage as a result of advancement of urbanization as specified urban rivers, and promotes formulation of river basin water disaster measurement plan through cooperation among parties in charge of managing rivers, those managing sewers, and local municipalities. Moreover, in response to the concentrated downpour in western Japan in 2018, they are also focusing on strengthening the national land for prevention and reduction of disasters.
Our Works
The New DREAM construction method of Daiho Corporation, which achieved unmanned work under high-pressure, allows for work at large depths, in addition, it is characterized by shortened process and improved safety and is most suitable for construction of rainwater storage tanks.